
Extinct houses game of thrones
Extinct houses game of thrones

extinct houses game of thrones extinct houses game of thrones extinct houses game of thrones

Can Bran have children? Would he even want to indulge in such a human action. Even if Sansa or Arya marry and have children, they will take their father’s name, as is the custom. In season 7 we saw house Martell, house Tyrell, house Frey, technically house Tarly (as Sam relinquished his claim upon joining the Watch) and house Baelish join the ever-growing list of extinct houses but there was another that is now doomed to extinction as of the finale and it seems to have slipped under the radar. So even in these exceptions we see that the surname is dependent on the father. There are some special exceptions, most notably Cersei retained her name when married to Robert Baratheon but her children still bore his surname (even if we knew that he wasn’t really their father, she claimed that they were). This ensures that a house, its titles and land are kept within the families. Though a bastard can be legitimised by a King or a Queen. Illegitimate bastards can be acknowledged by their highborn fathers and gain a surname based on their father’s home region (Ramsey Snow was named for the North that Roose Bolton was from, Obara Sand named for Dorne, Oberyn’s home) this way they can be acknowledged as a Lord’s bastard but have no claim to their title or anything that comes with it. The Lords of Westeros strengthen their families by wedding their children to other strong houses they’re allied with. Bastards and naming customs have been a huge part of the Game of Thrones story.

Extinct houses game of thrones